Month: January 2023

Uses for Chat GPT

Uses for Chat GPT

I’m still playing with Chat GPT. Overall I can see this is going to change how we write and produce content. It will be interesting to see how Microsoft leverage this in their new partnership. Below is another question I posed Chat GPT, I can 

MyVelofit – AI powered bike fit – real world review

MyVelofit – AI powered bike fit – real world review

I’ve been an active cyclist for over 10 years now but never quite got around to heading to a specialist for a bike fit. If I’m honest, £200 to get someone to measure me always felt like a bit of a luxury that I didn’t 

Open AI on cycling Abney, Derbyshire…

Open AI on cycling Abney, Derbyshire…

You’ve no doubt heard of chat GPT and Open AI. If you’ve not it’s a artificial intelligence app that you can pose questions to, and in turn it will respond with a detailed response. We’ve trained a model called ChatGPT which interacts in a conversational